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The Power of Praying the Rosary

The Power of Praying the Rosary

The most popular devotion in the Catholic faith is the Holy Rosary. When praying the Holy Rosary, we meditate upon the mysteries of the Life of Jesus. This devotion has been part of the Catholic tradition for over 800 years. Our Lady revealed to St. Dominic her desire for us to pray to her : "I want you to know that, in this kind of warfare, the principal weapon has always been the Angelic Psalter, which is the foundation-stone of the New Testament. Therefore, if you want to reach these hardened souls and win them over to God, preach my Psalter."

From here on, St. Dominic preached with the Marian Psalter and achieved the conversion of many souls in Toulouse. Several popes modified the Marian Psalter to the Rosary we have today. 

If you are not convinced yet to add this prayer  into your life, here are some reasons why the Prayer of the Rosary is powerful. 

The Power of the Rosary. 

"Whatever you ask in the Rosary will be granted." - Mother Mary to St. Dominic 

Our Lady's faithful intercession for her children, like at the Wedding at Cana, is efficacious. She will mediate for you and me before her Son. The Rosary has the power to transform hearts and lives; St. Dominic converted thousands of skeptics in Spain through this prayer, and so can we. 

This beautiful prayer helps us to calm our hearts and minds while we rest in God's presence. The repetition of the prayers sets a rhythm that places us in the moment. 

Besides the mental benefits of the Rosary that are tangible, there are spiritual benefits to it. Meditating upon each mystery of the life of Jesus, our knowledge of Him grows, and we gain a deeper understanding of God's miracle of Salvation through His Son. We also grow in virtue; after each decade, we ask God for a specific virtue or "fruit." Virtue helps us conquer our unruly habits and temptations and makes us SAINTS! 

These seeds that we plant as we pray the Rosary will reap fruit in increasing our desire to frequent the sacraments more often. My daily rosary devotion started with doing a 54-day rosary novena with my community. I did not know what it entailed, but I wanted to be part of my friends' efforts too. For 54 days, we prayed the Rosary and I never stopped ever since. I noticed that my desire to go to mass and receive Jesus daily increased. Something that I thought of as not necessary, it became the highlight of my day. 

Praying the Rosary in the morning can help you set the mood of the day. You feel protected and energized to start the day in peace and with a clear mind. Any time is right to pray the Rosary, though. If you ever need to discern a situation and can not focus or are feeling discouraged, pray the Rosary. Our Lady will take your intention to the Lord, and He will make haste to help you at that moment.

Let us close with this excerpt from a prayer by St. Pope John Paul II:  

...O Virgin Mother, guide and sustain us so that might always live as true sons and daughters of the Church of your Son. Enable us to do our part in helping to establish on earth the civilization of truth and love, as God wills it, for His glory. 

Amen. Our Lady of the Rosary, Pray for Us. 

Previous article Mother's Day and the Gift of Motherhood.

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